Sunday, 6 November 2016

Shoboxes - Sunday 6th November

We had a hectic morning filling shoeboxes for "Operation Christmas Child". We lovingly filled 22 boxes with toys, sweets, school supplies and hygiene items. Each shoebox will make a huge difference to a needy child.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Junior Church Anniversary

Our Junior Church anniversary service was based around the theme of babies and families in the bible. We enjoyed lots of activities including a hunt for baby Moses, Father Abraham action song, tug of war and making paper doves. A great service, well done everyone!

Sunday, 24 January 2016

HG1000 - January 24th

Today Sue came to talk to us about her experiences of sponsoring children in Indonesia and Africa.  We found out more about the work of the charity HG1000 and how sponsorship can change the lives of children living in poverty. Thank you Sue.

Nativity Service - December 20th

We had a fantastic time leading our interactive Nativity Service. The congregation enjoyed various activities including a treasure hunt, pin Mary on the donkey, making Angels, sheep hunt and pass the parcel! Well done every-one!