Saturday, 12 August 2017

Junior Church Anniversary Service

This year we are raising money for a Charity called Nuzzlets which provides loving homes for unwanted animals and free access to young people for therapy and education. As our charity looks after animals, we decided that the theme of our Anniversary Service this year would be animals in the bible. We enjoyed lots of activities including animal dot to dots, a donkey PiƱata, sheep hunt and balloon sheep herding! It was a fantastic service, well done every-one.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Junior Church Party - Sunday 22nd January

We had a fantastic time at our Junior Church party on Sunday. We played limbo, pass the parcel and Dinkees then we had a yummy party lunch!

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Nativity 18th December

We had a great time leading our interactive nativity this year. There were lots of fun activities during the service including a farmyard game, sheep making, an angel race and wise men mastermind!